Unit 6 – Watye Ki Gen (We Have Hope for the Future) and CAP Uganda


Youth Working For Social Justice After War

Watye Ki Gen and CAP Uganda have been working hard to ensure that people understand what Northern Uganda’s civil has meant for their lives. They have organized social theatre, conducted rallies, consulted with community elders and held many educational events in schools. All of this work is based inside calls for lasting peace and reconciliation amongst community members.

To ensure that their work is accurate, both organizations have carried out many participatory research projects. This page provides links to two of these:

For Their Name: Thirty-five youth researchers conducted a survey of 75,000 households to document young people’s experiences of war. This report is based on the findings of this work.

The Lord’s Resistance Army’s Forced Wife System: This participatory research project is based on the stories and experiences of 85 girls who were captured by the LRA and held captive by this brutal regime. Link